Currently, VNIIA develops a number of large, comprehensive scientific and technical areas having become a nation-wide leading organization in each of them.
A theoretical division of a broad physical profile – Center for fundamental and applied research (CFAR) – has been established at the Institute to provide theoretical support of applied research.
All the areas include research, design, engineering, and production units that carry out R & D, experimental efforts and testing of prototypes, production and supply of serial products to customers, and manufacturer's maintenance of products in the operation.
Unique scientific results of long-term systematic research in each area formed the foundation for more than 200 theses prepared by the employees of the Institute. A great number of unique experimental facilities have been developed and are successfully functioning.
The Institute has developed several scientific schools appreciated nationwide that raised highly skilled staff, including PhDs and ScDs, and have strong research, engineering and manufacturing base with a large number of unique facilities.
Calculation and theoretical research, mathematical modeling, methods of computer-aided design developed by employees of the Institute are supported by the powerful computational center created at the Institute, including two clusters based on supercomputer and informational-computational network distributed throughout all sites and units of the Institute.
The Institute has well-equipped research & production centers and complexes, R&D, production and other divisions that integrate:
- theoretical, development, design, research and testing units;
- process-engineering and material science units;
- production shops;
- economical, planning and administrative units;
- security services;
- auxiliary and support units.
The organizational structure of the Institute evolves together with the progress of science and technology and depends on the manpower. It is aimed at the accomplishment of basic missions of the Institute.
Ion microanalysis sector Exchequer unit
The Institute carries out fundamental and applied research, designs components, instruments and integrated systems and complexes, performs mathematical modeling of the behavior of products, circuits and devices in different environments, performs calculations to justify the effectiveness, reliability and safety of products, prepares design and engineering documentation for prototypes and serially manufactured products. All the designed products are tested in laboratory and field conditions, and are maintained and supported throughout the whole lifecycle.
The products of the Institute are science-intensive and contain:
- electro-physical devices providing generation of high voltage and superhigh pulsed current;
- complex mechanisms, pneumatic and hydraulic devices;
- mechanically, heat, and radiation resistant components;
- software & hardware for various purpose I&C systems, in the first place, critical ones;
- special-purpose electro-vacuum and semiconductor devices;
- converters of electromagnetic, gamma, X-ray, neutron, and optical fields into electrical signals;
- maximum time resolution detectors of fast physical processes;
- special-purpose system and applied software.
The products and devices incorporate advanced materials that include:
- solid, liquid and gas dielectrics;
- magnetic, piezoelectric, optical and other materials of specified properties.